August 31, 2023
The College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica, addressing its responsibility of critical and purposeful vision on national problems, alerts the national community about a worrying deterioration in road safety on the country's roads, in the previous year and what has passed. this year, specifically in accidents involving motorcyclists.
Based on COSEVI data, from 2021 to 2022, deaths on site, for all types of vehicles, increased by 30%, from 373 to 485, where, specifically, the increase rate for motorcyclists was even higher, with an increase of 38.6%, going from 166 to 230 deaths. There is an increase even compared to the data from 2018 and 2019, that is, before the pandemic.
July 28, 2023
The College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica (CIC) expresses to the national community its concern about the occurrence of a large number of floods in our country, which are becoming more frequent every day and have greater consequences for the communities, causing material damage such as in homes, commerce, dams, vital services such as transportation, water and electricity.
These floods are occurring in both urban and rural environments, and make no distinction between types of infrastructure or economic conditions. Buildings, neighborhoods or farms are suffering from them, and the most likely origin is errors made by human activity when managing rainfall.
June 26, 2023
In recent years, Costa Ricans have witnessed the serious damage that the wind has caused to our national infrastructure. It is increasingly common to see homes without roofs, collapsed signs and billboards, as well as facades, among other effects caused by the wind.
In November 2016, Hurricane Otto hit the Atlantic coast of our country, causing great destruction in the northwest sector. As a result of this event, the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica, with the support of the College of Civil Engineers, entrusted the Permanent Commission for Analysis and Review of the Seismic Code of Costa Rica with the task of preparing and writing a regulations for the design of buildings.
May 30, 2023
The College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Association of Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation, present to the Costa Rican community their great concern about the deterioration of drinking water services, with progressive and systematic cuts in the vast majority of water systems. drinking water in our country, as well as the installed deficit in national coverage with sanitary sewage systems and wastewater treatment, affecting the majority of the country's population.
The existing drinking water systems, and the limited availability of sanitary sewage and wastewater treatment systems, currently limit the required real estate development, and to a large extent, the national and local economic development, to the detriment of the well-being of the Costa Rican population.
April 28, 2023
The highway project to San Carlos is one of the most important and urgent road infrastructure projects in Costa Rica. Currently, the road that connects San Carlos with the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM) has only two lanes that present problems of congestion, high slopes, sharp curves and lack of road safety, which makes the project of a new road with better features is urgent.
In strategic terms, Costa Rica's National Transportation Plan establishes that improving transportation infrastructure is a priority to improve the country's competitiveness and economic growth. The construction of the highway to San Carlos is among the priority investments in road infrastructure established in this plan.
March 30, 2023
At the beginning of February of the current year 2023, the earthquakes that occurred in Turkey and Syria caused damage and collapse of structures in different cities. A total of 47,930 dead and 115,000 injured in Turkey, and 7,250 dead and 14,500 injured in Syria.
The College of Civil Engineers and the Costa Rican Association of Structural Engineering want to express their solidarity with the affected countries, and also wish to reiterate to the Costa Rican authorities, in charge of reviewing the application of structural engineering standards in construction works, the importance of ensuring for its correct and strict implementation.
March 28, 2023
On behalf of the Regional Electrical Interconnection Commission (CRIE), interested parties are invited to be part of the List of Eligible Experts, so we ask interested parties to send their applications in the indicated terms.
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February 28, 2023
Due to the events that have recently affected national infrastructure and other works, the College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Geotechnical Association remind civil society of the importance of adhering to good planning, design, and construction practices. , operation and control that engineering allows us.