Costa Rican Valuation Institute
It works for the development and improvement of valuation at the national level, permanently offering its members updated training and knowledge, always seeking the professionalization of this activity that is so important for the economic development of any country.
It maintains permanent contact with other organizations, both in Latin America, North America and Europe, also dedicated to the field of valuation, which has allowed the exchange of experiences and discussion of topics of interest, always with the aim of unifying criteria and supporting and disseminating new advances and research.
It has more than 200 professional members who work in the valuation of various types of assets.
To join, you can see the entry requirements
by clicking click acá.
Board of Directors
Chair: Eng. Otto Peñaranda Guzmán
Co Chair: Eng. Randall Arias Aguilar
Treasurer: Eng. Osvaldo Chacón Fernández
Secretary: Eng. Luis Fernando Argüello Bolaños
Vocal I: Eng. Kendy Nieto Barquero
Vocal II: Eng. José Manuel Blanco Mazariegos
Fiscal: Eng. Maritza Rodríguez Pacheco