Costa Rican Association of Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation

National non-profit Association, which includes all professionals related to the use and preservation of water resources and the environment, and is constituted in the National Chapter of AIDIS Interamericana. It encompasses a series of professionals concerned with the preservation of Natural Resources and has among its ranks Sanitary Engineers, Hydraulic Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Civil Engineers, Lawyers, Biologists, Chemical Engineers, Chemists, Geologists, Geographers, Sociologists, Microbiologists and all those who wish to contribute to the achievement of its objectives.


To be a member of the Association you require:

a) be a natural person interested in activities related to health and environmental engineering;
b) accept the statutes;
c) obtain approval from the Board of Directors for their entry;
d) have a university degree related to sanitary engineering and environmental sciences;
e) submit an application in a special form, addressed to the Board of Directors, in which the affiliation, titles and other professional merits will be stated;
f) pay the fee of admission;

To join, request the registration form at the Association
offices or by email

Board of Directors

Chair: Eng. Ronald Calvo Zeledón
Co Chair: Eng. Yessenia Calderón Solano
Treasurer: Eng. José Pablo Bonilla Valverde
Secretary: Eng. Abel Vargas Salazar
Vocal I: Eng. Lothar Spoerl  Hernández
Vocal II: Eng.  Eduardo Chacón Cordero
Fiscal: Eng. Roy Barboza Sequeira