Costa Rican Association of Structural and Seismic Engineering
The main goals of the Association are defined in its statutes, and are summarized on the page "The Association", among the main objectives are to promote the improvement of the specialty, ensure the correct exercise of the profession, and disseminate the status of the knowledge of structural and seismic engineering.
To be a member of the Association it is required:
a) to be of recognized moral solvency;
b) submit a written request;
c) accept and comply with the obligations that this Association imposes;
d) be accepted by the Board of Directors;
e) candidates for honorary members must be proposed to the Assembly by a minimum of three active members of the Association;
f) the other conditions necessary in accordance with these statutes, according to the class of member;
To join, request the registration form by email
Chair: Eng. Daniel Ureña Muñoz
Co Chair: Eng. Randall Crawford Brown
Treasurer: Eng. Roberto Yglesias Cuadra
Secretary: Eng. Eduardo Lima Calvo
Vocal I: Ing. Eng. Marija Trifunovic Nedic
Vocal II: Eng. Mauricio López Campos
Vocal III: Eng. Angie Jiménez Loría
Fiscal: Eng. José Luis De Briones Solórzano
Board of Directors