Learn more about
the College of Civil Engineers

Our history through time

Our history through time

  • The College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica was founded in 1941, and under its current scheme, it was established according to the terms of Law # 4925: Organic Law of the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica, of December 17 of 1971. Specifically, Article 16, paragraph a.1 of said Law establishes the College of Civil Engineers as one of the member colleges of the Federated College of Engineers and Architects, indicating that the CIC includes Civil Engineers, Mining Engineers and related. Currently, the CIC has 5,353 active members and, in addition to its organizational structure, has representatives in a large number of organizations and commissions, both public and private.

    For the purposes of fulfilling the mission, the CIC has administrative support that, as the executing arm of the agreements of the Board of Directors, guides its work towards the fulfillment of the core points of the mission, towards the definition and coordination of actions related to the projection of the school and towards the coordination and control of the operation of the CIC. Additionally, the CIC has a series of policies that enable comprehensive development of professionals and their engineering companies, as well as support for professionals who freely practice the profession. Among them, continuous training programs, carrying out technical, cultural, sports and social activities, integration of associations and commissions and constant participation in the decisions that are made at the CFIA level in relation to the exercise of the profession.

The main objectives of Civiles are defined by the Organic Law of the CFIA and among the main ones are stimulating the progress of Engineering, ensuring the decorum of the profession, and regulating its exercise.

  • Its organizational structure works based on the CFIA scheme. The CIC, like the other four colleges that make up the CFIA, has 17 Delegates before the Assembly of Representatives, which is the highest body within the CFIA scheme. The 17 delegates are made up of the 7 members of the CIC Board of Directors and 10 delegates who are appointed every year at the Ordinary General Assembly of the CIC (October of each year). In addition, the CIC has two representatives before the General Board of Directors of the CFIA, who are appointed for a period of 2 years. As established in the CFIA Law, the CIC has a Board of Directors that is responsible for the administration of the College. The positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Prosecutor, Member I and Member II. Likewise, the CFIA Law clearly establishes the functions and responsibilities of each one.

    For its internal administration, the CIC relies on a structure made up of a group of professionals in different areas who are responsible not only for materializing the guidelines dictated by the Board of Directors but also for providing quality service to member professionals. who are recognized as the No. 1 client of this Professional Association. For normal tasks, we work with teams of collaborators, members of the CIC, in different areas of interest, teams that are known as Commissions. It is important to clarify that technical activities such as Congresses, Seminars, technical talks, among others. They are organized directly by the CIC administrative staff. Finally, the CIC has the collaboration of its attached Associations, which are groups of colleagues who join forces to work on the development of areas of civil engineering by specialty.

Our Values

The following values ​​are applied both to the organization of the College of Civil Engineers of Costa Rica and to the professionals who are part of it:


Act with rectitude, honesty and transparency.


Willingness to work with conviction and excellence to achieve objectives.


Address the needs of members.


Value the ideas and work of others.


Effectively fulfill the assigned duties.

Professional Profile of the Civil Engineer

The Civil Engineering professional knows and applies a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values ​​and virtues that responsibly and excellently guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of the services and products provided and delivered. Participates, contributes successfully and can lead complex projects that require interprofessional work with other branches of engineering, architecture and other sciences. The civil engineering professional is trained and has the tools to develop activities such as: Consulting, Teaching and research, Construction, Project administration and maintenance, Municipal engineering, Construction supervision, Valuation of real estate. In addition, a professional in the field is trained to develop activities in the following sectors: